My brother got married last week in my parent’s backyard. It was an amazing evening with an amazing group of people, surrounded by my mom’s incredible garden in full bloom. As a backyard wedding, the family took care of a lot of the pieces of the wedding ourselves. The main course was catered, but other than that it was a true group effort - the planning, the decorations, the setup, the snacks . . . Part of my job was to make some of the desserts. At the request of my brother and his wife, I made one of their favorite treats for dessert: Vegan Key Lime Mousse.
I’m happy to say it was a huge hit, people loved it! But I’ll bet that not many of the wedding guests would have been able to guess what this key lime mousse was made of. You see, it’s not your average mousse. In fact, it's vegan and features a super-secret ingredient – avocados.
I know, I know. At the mention of avocados in a dessert, most people give me a weird look and say “That sounds . . . interesting.”
And that’s fair enough. I was skeptical at first, too. It sounds pretty strange and not very tasty. Avocado isn't something that exactly gets my taste buds in the mood for dessert. But, as evidenced by how many times I was asked for the recipe at my brother’s wedding, its actually really, really delicious, especially if you’re into a creamy, smooth, light, refreshing, tangy dessert. Trust me on this. The (non-vegan) caterer even made a point to say how much she liked it. If that doesn’t convince you that an avocado-filled dessert is worth trying, then I don’t know what will.
If you can get over the idea of avocado being in a dessert rather than guacamole, then you are in for a refreshing treat. It's super creamy, due to the avocado and the coconut cream, while also being super light and not too sweet (but just enough to satisfy). Plus it’s a healthier alternative to traditional mousse – vegan, raw (if you opt for agave instead of sugar), containing healthy fats from avocado and a ton of lime juice and zest. . . Give this delicious vegan key lime mousse recipe a try!
Vegan Key Lime Mousse Recipe
Makes: about 9 cups (this is a lot, but it keeps really well in the fridge!)
4 C slightly mashed avocado (about 5 avocados)
2 1/4 C lime juice
1/2 C fresh lime zest
1/4 C coconut oil, melted
2 T arrowroot powder or cornstarch
1 C coconut cream
3/4 C coconut milk
1 1/4 C sugar (or about 3/4 C raw agave)
1. Blend all ingredients in a food processor until smooth.
2. Add more lime juice and/or sugar to the perfect blend of tangy and sweet for your own liking.
3. Pour into small bowls or jars and refrigerate for at least two hours. You may also pour into a crust (such as a raw nut crust) to make a pie or tarts if desired.
4. If desired, sprinkle with berries and garnish with extra lime zest before serving. Keep refrigerated until ready to eat. Keeps well in the refrigerator for several days.
Note: I usually sort of wing it when I make this recipe. After I put in a few avocados, some coconut cream/milk, coconut oil, and some arrowroot powder, I just sort of go at it with the lime juice and sweetener until I like the taste. My brother likes it less sweet while my mom likes it more sweet, so I also change it depending on who's eating. So have fun with it and experiment - it's a pretty forgiving recipe :)
Tip: If you are serving this vegan key lime mousse recipe at a large event (like a wedding or a party), I recommend serving the mousse in small mason jars with lids. This way, you can have it all prepped ahead of time and kept in the fridge. Then, when it’s ready for dessert, you can bring out a tray of these adorable little jars (bonus points if they’ve got a little bow wrapped around them). People can either eat them right then, or take the jar with them as a treat for later.